Wikum Weerakutti

GSOC-2023: Coding Week 11

We've reached the midway point of this exhilarating GSOC journey, and I'm pleased to share an update on my recent activities. Last week marked a significant milestone as I completed my midterm evaluation. As part of this process, I put together a short video detailing the progress I've made thus far. If you're curious, you can check out the video here.

Amidst these activities, I also managed to accomplish a couple of tasks that further enriched the project:

Showing an error if the server path contains a space.

In the previous weeks, I delved into resolving a bug associated with file paths containing spaces. Despite multiple attempts to find a viable solution, it eventually became apparent that OpenMRS doesn't support paths with spaces. This realization came after consulting with my mentors. They provided me these references on it. Reference:

To provide users with a clearer understanding, we decided to display a comprehensible error message if they attempted to set up a server in a path containing spaces. I created a PR for this which got merged.

Adding a pull request template

I noticed that unlike many other OpenMRS GitHub repositories, the SDK lacked a pull request template. This absence sometimes led to lower-quality pull requests. So I decided to add a pull request template to the SDK. I created a pull request for this. This got added into the GitHub repository.


We've decided to explore an alternative approach to deploying OpenMRS O3 using the build-distro plugin. While the initial method involved cloning the O3 distro from GitHub, we're now eager to experiment with generating the distro using the SDK itself.

My mentor also gave me an additional task. He asked me to take a look at this ticket. I will be also dedicating time to address it throughout the week. I think I'll have a pretty busy week this week. Thank you for reading. See you next week.