Wikum Weerakutti

GSOC-2023: Coding Week 07

First of all, sorry for the delay. I got busy with some stuff. So let's jump into what I did this week.

Run plugin of the SDK contains a couple of memory-related parameters that became irrelevant after migrating to Java 8. These seem to be causing some errors. So we decide to remove the parameters. Here is the PR for it: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-sdk/pull/242.

Updating the OpenMRS O3 documentation

Last week I created a PR to allow the SDK to create docker configurations for O3 distributions. I updated the documentation to reflect these suggested changes. You can find the documentation here: https://wiki.openmrs.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=224527013#O3ImplementerDocumentation:SetUp,Configure&Deploy-CreatingDockerConfigurationforOpenMRS3DistributionUsingtheOpenMRSSDK

Here is how you can create a configuration for OpenMRS 3 Distribution Using the OpenMRS SDK.

  1. Enter the following command in your terminal
$ mvn openmrs-sdk:build-distro
  1. Enter the build directory when prompted.
  2. Choose "03 Distribution" When you get prompted with the following option:
You can setup the following servers:
1) 2.x Distribution
2) O3 Distribution
  1. Choose the desired version of O3 distribution.
  2. After the build process is completed, run the following command in the directory you selected in Step 2.
$ docker compose up

I encourage referring to the official documentation to ensure you have the most up-to-date and detailed instructions on setting up O3,

Addressing mentor feedback for pull requests.

As part of the development process, I addressed the feedback provided by my mentors for various pull requests.

Thank you for reading. See you next week