Wikum Weerakutti

GSOC-2023: Coding Week 01

The first week of the coding period was hard but an exciting one. I was busy the whole week working on this PR to enable building O3 with the SDK. So here is a description of things I did this week.

Initial commit

So for the first implementation I used these steps to deploy the O3.

Unable to find/resolve artifact. Failure to find org.openmrs.module:initializer-omod:jar:2.5.0 in https://mavenrepo.openmrs.org/public

So I added the latest version of the initializer module to the SDK resource folder and wrote a code to copy it to the server module folder.

After reviewing the PR mentors pointed to problems within this implementation.

I was unsure of how to fix those problems. So I asked my mentors for guidance.

Fixing problems

After playing around with the SDK code I figure out a way to fix these issues. The code I wrote does these steps

Adding metadata to the server

Adding initializer module to the server

The initializer module is in the https://nexus.mekomsolutions.net/repository/maven-releases/ repository, and it is not included in OpenMRS SDK. So I added that repository to the SDK

What's next?

So now users can deploy O3 if they have a suitable distro.properties file but there is a small problem. Only advanced users are comfortable creating a distro.properties file on their own. Many times most users need to just have a local instance of what is at https://dev3.openmrs.org/. Now I am working on adding a feature to the SDK that will enable users to set up O3 and have it ready without having to supply a distro.properties file. I think I'll be able to implement this within this week.

Thank you for reading, see you next week.